Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27 - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning I dutifully woke before the children and went straight to the kitchen to chug a big cup of coffee get started on some whole wheat donuts, which would be ready to eat (all warm and gooey straight from the frying pan) by the time the kid's got up.  I even cut them into the shape of hearts and glazed them in milk chocolate.

Lunch was much less spectacular and way easier, but the kids were absolutely stoked: popcorn!  in our whirley pop!

What's a whirley pop, you ask?

THIS is a whirley pop.

1.5 tablespoons of coconut oil + 1/2 cup of kernels (organic, non-gmo, please!) + turn that crank over medium-high heat for 3 minutes = a bountiful bowl of delicious popcorn.  The kids thought this was SO FUN.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I thought it was fun, and I love popcorn.

To go with our popcorn, I blended up some kefir smoothies.  I mixed milk kefir with raspberries, strawberries and bananas that I had bought fresh earlier in the week and stuck in the freezer.  I threw in a cup of plain yogurt, honey and vanilla.  We each drank a tall glass.

I also had some potatoes that I needed to use soon before they went bad, so I cut them up and made french fries.  Not the healthiest, but between the donuts, popcorn, smoothies, and french fries, I was pretty much the coolest mom ever today.  No big deal.

For dinner, I was going to make BBQ drum sticks with homemade BBQ sauce, but I was pretty disappointed to discover I didn't have the necessary ingredients.  So, I winged it.  It was no BBQ sauce, but it wasn't bad.  The kids ate it, that's all that matters. :)  I served it with cheese and peas.

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